“Christian unity is forged on the move, it is never still” -Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Pope's words [...]
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Pope's words [...]
The early Christians had an interior liveliness and hope that [...]
Western Christianity is fundamentally African, in the way that Eastern Christianity is fundamentally Greek
The origins of Christmas THE PRACTICE [...]
¿How and when did the observance of Advent start in [...]
THE VOCATION OF SAINT JOSEPH And Joseph her husband, being [...]
¿How can a woman be the Mother of God? [...]
The acts of martyrdom of Saints Felicity and Perpetua (7th of March, 203) is [...]
St. Paul and the Eucharist The Church is not an [...]
A term applied to various manual acts, liturgical or devotional in character, which have this at [...]