“Christian unity is forged on the move, it is never still” -Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Pope's words [...]
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Pope's words [...]
Western Christianity is fundamentally African, in the way that Eastern Christianity is fundamentally Greek
The Chistmas Tree “The tree in Saint Peter’s Square speaks [...]
¿How and when did the observance of Advent start in [...]
DO YOU KNOW WHO SAINT Ignatius of Antioch WAS ? [...]
Among the devotions to Mary, over the years, one stands [...]
The Act of Martyrdom of St. Cyprian ESCUCHA EL MARTIRIO [...]
Peter is the figure best known and most frequently cited [...]
"The Holy Spirit is a teacher of life" Pope [...]
The Virgin Mary has been honored and venerated as Mother [...]