The conversion of Saint Paul – January 25
Paul's conversion is a model for Christians on the road [...]
Paul's conversion is a model for Christians on the road [...]
Our penitential pathway as sons and daughters "During Lent the [...]
Expert Dr. Scott Hahn’s Lent Reflections Dr. Scott Hahn’s Lenten Reflections [...]
St. Paul put the cross at the center of his [...]
"Remember that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and was [...]
A term applied to various manual acts, liturgical or devotional in character, which have this at [...]
The Greek word martus signifies a witness who testifies to a fact of which he [...]
A Pakistani anti-terrorism court on Saturday ordered 88 Christians to [...]
“Many times in refugee camps I see smiles of joy [...]
The hours that preceded the Passion and Death of Jesus [...]